Meyvn World Marketing

Social Media Stories: The Secret Of A Brand’s Success

Social Media Stories

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Social media stories first started on Snapchat. Today, nearly every social media platform has this feature. They are usually 10-15 seconds photos or video clips that let viewers a glimpse into a person or business. This makes stories more experimental and exciting and last for 24 hours.

A smartphone and a creative eye make it possible to create and consume stories regularly. Instagram stories should be the central part of the social media strategy of every company. In fact, stories published by firms and brands get more views than those from ordinary profiles. In addition, you can quickly market items, tools or messages that you would like to share with your audience. This also ensures a high Instagram participation.

Creating stories for your company may be an enjoyable exercise with many positives. Throughout the day, you can share as much as possible – with the creativity you desire. A lot of the top social media tools actually encourage story telling.

And according to Block Party, a marketing organisation, sharing stories is 15 times faster to benefit than sharing on the news feed. In addition, nearly one billion consumers use social media features through Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp.

Story marketing is the secret behind a brand’s growth

Stories now can incorporate magazine articles, opinion papers, publishing houses, podcasts and more. It appears that each medium has its own Story version. However, the ultimate goal is the same: users and readers want packages with enough scope for applicable information. And it should not be overpowering.

Stories require depth so that readers can become more interested in their content.

The evolution and rise of social media stories


Snapchat is the king of all social media Stories platform. Photos and videos transferred over the network disappear after a few seconds or after 24 hours.

This transient nature of data in the application has gradually influenced user involvement. The stories “honour the true nature of narrating a story — snaps with the beginning, the middle, and the end. They appear in chronological order.”

Moreover, no user wants a blank story. After 24 hours, each of these stories vanishes. So, this creates a culture of time spent making Snapchats stories at the expense of other social networks.


Instagram too joined the bandwagon in 2016 and is today a leader in the world of stories. A regular user of Instagram stories knows first-hand how Instagram frequently adds new features and functions. As a result, Instagram ends up often launching several upgrades in a week.

From what was originally a one-way communication channel, Instagram has been able to expand to a gateway for dialog, commerce, and creativity without limits.

We have seen the launch of infinite industry-leading features over the years. “Swiping Up” for accounts with more than 10K supporters is one such highlight. And then there is a plethora of engaging stickers — such as polls, questions and emoji sliders, dynamic AR filters, and video creation tools.

And with Instagram Stories’ great success, it was no wonder that other social media networks wanted to take action.

Facebook and WhatsApp

In 2017, Facebook stories and Whatsapp status were both launched,most likely in part because of Instagram’s association. In 2018, YouTube Stories for creators with more than 10K users were added, separating them separating them from the 24-hour cycle. Even LinkedIn has LinkedIn Stories that inject an in-depth twist into our general 24-hour story style.

Other Social Media

And it really doesn’t stop here. Twitter Fleets, Spotify Stories, and Pinterest Story Pins have been tested in advance a clear indication that the story format will only grow in popularity since consumers like to share content with a narrative focus.

Advertising in Stories

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. and others allow you to embed Stories. Briefly, stories are a hybrid concentration of social media. Advertisers that take advantage of the synergies and produce format-related content can quickly tap into consumer pockets. Story advertising is less invasive and more relevant, built first for mobile users.

They build on all the significant advances in digital advertising recently such as the increase in the narrative, the pivot to video as well as the increasing importance of personalization and location.

What is the future of Stories?

To conclude, it is a safe assumption to suggest that stories will expand in popularity and significance throughout all social media platforms based on what we’ve observed in these five past years.

Instagram Stories is already a core diet for millennials and Gen Z users. The change in how young people share and consume content is hard to ignoreOver the next several years, all social platforms could rejig their experience to make stories more prominent in the next several years.

Meanwhile, with Check out and Shopping from Creators, we can probably hope to see further eCommerce possibilities influencing the Instagram stories experience as Instagram continues to develop its e-commerce offerings quickly. There is a robust monetary motivation for Instagram to promote as many product purchases as possible via checkout, as Instagram’s interactivity makes it a perfect choice for the fully integrated sales-driving characteristics.

So, if you don’t take your story strategy seriously, it’s time to do it now!

Let us know what you feel about Stories and how they can be beneficial for your brand. Share with us in the comments or join the Meyvn community on our Instagram page to keep yourself updated with the latest trends and tactics!

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