Meyvn World Marketing

Email marketing open rates – Tips to improve for 2022

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Email marketing is one of the best tools that you can use in order to grow your audience and generate sales. However, not every email you sent gets open by all recipients. Some people might not find the headline appealing, others might even see it as spam. That’s why you need to find ways to increase your email marketing open rates, while also delivering value to your audience. This becomes extremely important if event marketing is part of your overall marketing efforts. Here you have a few tips and tricks that will help you grow your open rates in no time.

Work on your subject line as the first step to improve email marketing open rates

The subject line is a crucial aspect of your email marketing, because it needs to be catchy and appealing. If you want to increase email marketing open rates, you want to work on subject lines that generate curiosity or which are personalized. Another good idea is to use the subject line to announce free offers, as that also grabs the attention.

You can also have humorous subject lines, if you know your audience has a great sense of humor. You can also go the shocking route, or you can talk about the latest industry development and showcase you have a case study to go with the reveal. All of these can be great, eye-catching ideas to take into account.

Try to avoid spam filters

  • A good idea here is to avoid spam words, like Free for example.
  • You also want to include an unsubscribe option, and
  • authenticate the email account to prevent others from sending emails in your name.
  • Using lower case letters for the subject line can also prevent spam filters too.

Get higher email marketing open rates by focussing on the reader’s interest

If you start focusing on a certain topic, stick with it. This is how you grow the email marketing subscriber base and keep them interested. Shifting your focus to something else can end up bringing problems and a loss of subscribers. That’s why you want to check the engagement rates and always ask for feedback. Many times, your subscribers will come up with great ideas that you can pursue. You can also ask some questions to find out why people are unsubscribing, whenever they choose to take that action.

Provide as much value as you can so as to inprove your email marketing open rates

Whenever you create content, try to make it as comprehensive as you can. Make sure that you pay off on the subject line and what was promised, over-deliver if possible. It’s important to make the article engaging and easy to read, add statistics and links for more information, etc. If the article is worthwhile, then customers will appreciate it and that will increase open rates in the long run.

Create a welcome series

The welcome series will make your new subscribers feel welcome, and it can bring in more conversions too. The idea is to bring in creative, empowering and unique content that people love. Subscribers that receive welcome emails tend to have a better long-term engagement, so this is actually worth the effort. The email platform Sendinblue has a great series of welcome emails that you can use.

Send emails at the right time

If a person just signed up to your email marketing list, then send them an email within the next 48 hours. There’s a saying to strike the iron while it’s hot, and that certainly applies here. You want to connect with your audience and provide them the utmost value as quickly as possible. Of course, you want to avoid sending too many email, just to be on the safe side.

List segmenting is very useful to improve the open rates for your email marketing efforts

You always want to send emails that are relevant to your audience. But your audience might be too broad for certain emails. Which is why you want to separate them into specific audience groups. You can segment people based on age, sex, time on the email list, average order value, job title and various other criteria. It’s recommended to go with list segmenting because it’s efficient, and you can send highly targeted emails with great open rates. These will bring in a very good return on investment, since you are focused on the right audience.

Let people know what’s in it for them and increase the chances for them to open your emails

Many times, people sign up to receive either a special download or a discount code. You want to let your audience know what exactly you expect and what benefits they can have if they work with you. Making sure that you always focus on delivering value is a crucial aspect here. Also, show them that your email marketing list does offer great information and it’s not a waste of time.

Write like a friend

A good way to boost open rates is to write like a friend, not like a corporation. Keeping your content friendly and professional helps a lot, since it boosts open rates. It also shows you’re not just looking to make a quick sale, instead you want to establish a great partnership. This is the type of approach most people like, and you are bound to have great results from it.

Keep it fun and light hearted

There’s a reason why fun, comedic content helps you boost your email marketing results. People don’t just want to see the same old, boring and corporate content. Adding in fun ideas and some humor will boost open rates. If anything, it shows that you know how to have fun, and people gravitate towards that more than corporate, soul-less content.

Optimize your emails for mobile users

It’s always a very good idea to try and optimize emails for mobile users, because they are a very large audience. Actually, around 67.2% of consumers are using their smartphone to check emails. As a result, if you want to boost open rates you want to keep simple email formatting and use large fonts. Using smaller images to reduce loading times, yet having a large call to action button at the end can help quite a lot. You also want to avoid placing two links one on top of the other, as the user might tap the wrong link.


Increasing your email marketing open rates takes time, planning and experimentation. There’s a lot of trial and error involved until your email marketing campaign becomes a success, but it’s very important to know your audience and provide them with the best content. Other things like segmenting your email marketing list, knowing the right timing for emails and optimizing them for mobile users is just as important. Start using these tips today, and you will be incredibly happy with the results and experience!

Contact Meyvn World now and engage their email marketing experts to develop an email marketing strategy and get maximum results! Email Marketing should be on the top of every business’ brand development objectives and lead generation plan.

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